Month: January 2023

​Email Forwarding: Definition & Purpose

Email forwarding is a useful tool to organize and protect the messages sent to your business (domain).

Email Forwarding: Definition

Email forwarding, talking on a domain level, is the action of automatically redirecting all emails from one email address to a different one. Email forwarding allows you to set a rule for your domain’s email addresses, to send all the messages they receive to the specific email address you prefer.

How email forwards work?

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How does Dynamic DNS help your online availability?

What is the Dynamic DNS concept?

To begin, Dynamic DNS, also known as DDNS, is a service that immediately updates your IP address (the A or AAAA record) if the host (device) changes it.

When the lease on your IP address expires, your ISP (Internet service provider) can change it automatically.

If you use the device as a server, you can use DDNS to ensure it remains accessible. Otherwise, you won’t be able to reach or determine the new IP address from afar.

Without Dynamic DNS, the connection would break the moment the ISP changed the IP address, making it impossible for someone operating a monitoring server with a camera at home to observe the footage from a distance.

Check out a fantastic Dynamic DNS service!

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IPv4: The Most Popular Internet Protocol

Are you looking for a reliable and secure internet protocol that is also fast and efficient? IPv4 is the answer! The fourth version of the Internet Protocol, IPv4 is the most widely used version of IP and is the first choice of many networks due to its long-term stability and compatibility. Read on to learn more about the benefits of IPv4, its common uses, and why it is still the most popular Internet Protocol.

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