Tag: IPv6

A record or AAAA record – Which one to choose?

Are you wondering which type of record you should use for your website—an A record or an AAAA record? Well, the answer depends on the version of the Internet Protocol you are using. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of both records and make some recommendations about when to use which record. So let’s get started!

What is a DNS A record?

A (Address) record is a type of DNS record used to point a domain name at an IPv4 address. DNS A records are a vital part of the Domain Name System (DNS) as they allow internet users to access your website by its domain name. All domain names registered with a domain name registrar are required to have an A record associated with them. Thus, A records are the essential building blocks of the internet, connecting domain names to their respective IP addresses. An A record is responsible for mapping a domain name to its IPv4 address. It ensuring that a user’s browser knows which server to connect to when they type in a domain name in the address bar. Beyond simply connecting domain names to IP addresses, A records can also be used to specify multiple IP addresses for a single domain. This allows for high levels of redundancy and consistent availability.

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IPv4: The Most Popular Internet Protocol

Are you looking for a reliable and secure internet protocol that is also fast and efficient? IPv4 is the answer! The fourth version of the Internet Protocol, IPv4 is the most widely used version of IP and is the first choice of many networks due to its long-term stability and compatibility. Read on to learn more about the benefits of IPv4, its common uses, and why it is still the most popular Internet Protocol.

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